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Technical Methods Week 11

Laser cut on to Perspex

I've laser cut the image of the Wharf onto perspex, I'm going to blind emboss this plate like I did the Lino and wood so I have a comparison and ink it up.

Above image laser cut perspex

The blind emboss was subtle, I could not get a clear photo of this piece. Of all the materials I’ve laser cut into the perspex gives the most detail but seems to only graze the surface, on the wood there was plenty of detail and it cut further in, on Lino I had to reduce the size of my image because it’s not good for the laser cut machine and when the Lino came out I could see the scorch marks and I suddenly understood why it was important to only work on small pieces. I got the least amount of detail on the Lino and it cut really deep and this was ideal for embossing.

Printing laser cut wood and Perspex

Today I decided to stop being precious with my laser cut wood and print it, along with the laser cut Perspex.

I mixed extender with a touch of oil based ink and rolled it out, using a roller that was wider than my plate to avoid roller marks, I inked up my plate and placed it on the nipping press with damp Zerkall 450g paper and left it for 1 min.

I made four prints of each plate. Each time it was inked up the intensity of colour grew.

The Perspex picks up really subtle detail,

Above image laser cut perspex extender print

The laser cut wood picks up the grain of the wood this adds a nice element and because the laser cutter cuts deeper in wood you get a great embossed effect, with the subtle colour from the extender, which is a nice combination.

Above image laser cut wood, extender print

Printing into plaster and making a 3D object

I’m going to try and print into plaster again, Gay is still off, so I’m just experimenting. I’ve decided to try and create a 3D plaster print and see if I get better results then my 2D plaster print.

I inked up my four etching plates and prof printed them on news print, the results were not that good which was a surprise, as nearly all my prints heave worked on newsprint because it’s so smooth and absorbent.

Above imageEtching on Newsprint

I re inked the plates and stuck all four together to make a mould. I filled this with fine casting plaster but it leaked all over the place, I realised the ink had weekend one of my seals, so I re sealed my plate and mixed more plaster, I found another rusty plate to use as the base and filled the mould and left to set.

Above image etching into plaster

I like how the print has transferred so clearly onto the plaster, especially after the disappointing results I had on paper. I know this piece is not perfect, it leans over to the side, which makes it slightly unstable but ascetically I feel this piece works. It’s rustic in appearance with areas of plaster and print missing because I didn’t clean the old plaster off the plate before casting but all these things add to the piece, it’s my favourite to date.

I also really like the way may etching plates have bits of plaster stuck to them, from the first failed attempt.

Above image etching plate with plaster on it

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